Economic Development Organizations:
Kodiak has three organizations that fit into the definition of an Economic Development Organization (EDO). An EDO is dedicated to the economic development of a geographic region, often engaging with businesses, government entities, and the public to enhance existing and develop new economic development opportunities.
Kodiak Chamber of Commerce:
The Chamber is a member-driven non-profit organization. The dedicated staff and Board of Directors work to offer educational and networking opportunities, business resources, and government advocacy to protect and advance members’ interest.
To provide business development for an economically strong and diverse Kodiak region.
Core Purpose
Educate, Support, Grow
Core Values
Embrace diversity, member-driven, anchored in the community, business champions, forward thinking.
The Chamber supports several annual events in Kodiak, including: Crab Festival, ComFish Alaska, Coast Guard Appreciation Dinner, Downtown Trick or Treat, Community Clean-Up Day, as well as hosting Political and Educational Forums as the opportunities arise.
The Chamber provides a variety of services to their members and the community:
• Relocation Guide for newcomers to Kodiak, including newly arriving Coast Guard members
• Business After Hours events held at member locations
• Ribbon Cutting events: newly opened, relocated, or expanding – big scissors and ribbon included
• Chamber News & Views: a 2-minue radio interview segment with a Chamber member
• Educational Courses, Seminars, and Mentors: a partnership with the Small Business Development Center, Kodiak College, and the Small Business Association
• Loyal to Local Gift Card: gift card network that accepts eGift cards of participating members
Discover Kodiak:
Discover Kodiak is the convention and visitor’s bureau for the Kodiak Archipelago, with members located all over Kodiak, Raspberry and Afognak Islands. Tasked with promoting the sustainable development of the tourism industry throughout the Archipelago, Discover Kodiak maintains a year-round visitor center in the heart of the downtown area to help visitors find local attractions and recommend member businesses.
Travel to, and thus tourism in, Kodiak is supported by Alaska Airlines and the Alaska Marine Highway. Discover Kodiak advocates for continued and consistent services by both organizations.
Discover Kodiak promotes the tourism industry in the Kodiak region by marketing and advertising to visitors, event & meeting planners, and the media to draw attention to all the opportunities Kodiak has to offer.
On top of benefiting hospitality-based businesses like hotels and tour companies, _, the tourism industry supports ancillary industries like gas stations, grocery stores, bookkeepers, accountants, and more.
Kodiak Economic Development Corporation:
The Kodiak Economic Development Corporation is entering its fourth year of existence and has developed a comprehensive strategic plan with prioritized initiatives based on board member feedback, community needs assessments, and other data points.
Core Purpose
Strengthening Kodiak’s economic present and future – Advocating, Connecting, Innovating, and Driving
Core Values
Relationships – Diversity – Entrepreneurial – Sustainability – Hope
Core Outcomes
Advocating for a healthy business climate. Connecting all stakeholders committed to economic development. Innovating to bring in new businesses to strengthen Kodiak’s economic future. Driving support for existing businesses to strengthen Kodiak’s economic present.
Core Geography
Kodiak Island
Envisioned Future (2027):
By 2027, the Kodiak Economic Development Corporation is recognized as a resource for comprehensive economic development information and taking proactive action across Kodiak Island.
Envisioned Future (2030):
KEDC is recognized across the state as an effective business incubator, with the financial resources to support the development of the Kodiak economy.
Identified Initiatives
• Arctic Gateway
• Blue Zone
• Island Wide Marketing and Business Recruitment
• Business Retention and Expansion
• Mariculture Sector Support
• Working with local independent kelp and shellfish farmers to form Kodiak Mariculture Alliance to provide better access to processing capabilities and expanded markets. In conjunction with the “Blue Economy Zone” hub proposed for Gibson Cove, will pursue funding opportunities for site development of future processing locations.
• Storefront Enhancement Program
• Workforce Housing
• Waterfront Development
• Workforce Development
Community Land Trust
KEDC has proposed a Three Phase project to establish a Community Land Trust (CLT), in which land is held by the trust, while the developer or homeowner would own the building, in an effort to increase the availability of affordable workforce housing in the community. The project would produce 18 duplexes totaling 36 single family units.
Phase I:
Feasibility Assessment and Business Planning – Complete
- Assess the feasibility of operating a CLT and the development of a business plan to articulate the critical business planning assumptions for CLT Operations.
- Identify city owned property ideally suited for CLT development.
- Identify developmental costs for the CLT addition.
- Identify a builder familiar with Kodiak Alaska’s building requirements
- Develop a Job Description for Phase II Project Manger
Phase II:
Creation of KICLT and Implementation of its Home Ownership Program
- Hire KICLT Phase II Project Manager
- Property lease between the City of Kodiak and KEDC
- Development of KICLT property
- Marketing and presale of KICLT homes
- Construction and occupancy
Phase III:
Sustainable Management
- Formation of Kodiak Island CLT 501c3
- Transfer of management and operations to newly formed governing structure