Gather and Grow

Elder Coffee and Tea Hour

Koniag Building 194 Alimaq Drive, Kodiak, United States

Join the KANA Elder Services team and Cindy McCormick from Safeway to learn how to utilize the Safeway app. KANA Elder Services events are open to all Kodiak Elders. Transportation is available for KANA Beneficiaries. Please call (907) 486-1368 or (907) 486-7352 for more information or to arrange a ride.

Soap Carving

Family Investment Center 2815 Woody Way Loop, Kodiak, United States

Join Cama'i Home Visiting to make handwashing fun and learn how to carve soap into fun shapes. All events are open to families with young children. Please call (907)486-1305 or email, for more information.

Handturkey Crafts

Family Investment Center 2815 Woody Way Loop, Kodiak, United States

Create festive hand turkeys on construction paper to celebrate Thanksgiving. All events are open to families with young children. Please call (907)486-1305 or email, for more information.

Elder Thanksgiving Dinner

Koniag Building 194 Alimaq Drive, Kodiak, United States

Join Elder Services for a fun and tasty Thanksgiving dinner, Call Elder Services to RSVP. KANA Elder Services events are open to all Kodiak Elders. Transportation is available for KANA Beneficiaries. Please call (907) 486-1368 or (907) 486-7352 for more information or to arrange a ride.

Elder Storytime

Kodiak Public Library 612 Egan Way

Elder story time is an opportunity for Elders to engage with children by reading/telling a story.