KANA village clinics provide medical, dental and behavioral health to all through our Patient-Centered Medical Home model

Care Teams ensure village patients have consistent access to quality care. Teams including village-based Community Health Providers and Behavioral Health Aides collaborate with patients, Kodiak providers and support staff.  Our team-based care model supports KANA’s Alutiiq values and improves our patients’ experiences and outcomes.

KANA village clinics are open 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday with a mix of urgent care and pre-booked appointments.

We offer 24-hour access to medical advice though our Nurse Advice Line. Call 907-486-9870. The Advice Line team communicates with our primary care team to coordinate care.

KANA’s medical department proudly provides the following services to our villages:

Village Health Services

Village medical services are provided by Community Health Aides, trained to provide acute, routine, follow-up, chronic and emergency care. They are supervised by a physician and receive continuous clinical training to maintain and expand their skills. Village-based services are also provided by MDs, Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Medical Assistants and Paramedics. Community Health Aides are members of the patient’s care team and work closely with KANA-based providers, case managers, navigators and patient registration staff to transition and coordinate care between the village, Kodiak and Anchorage when needed.

Through the Alaska Native Medical Center and Southcentral Foundation, KANA provides outpatient specialty clinics to our Alaska Native and Veteran Beneficiaries. These services are available by referral only, except optometry which is a self-referral on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Rheumatology
  • Cardiology
  • Ear, Nose, and Throat
  • Audiology
  • Psychiatry
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Diabetes
  • Orthopedics
  • Hepatology
  • Pediatrics
  • Optometry

Patients are encouraged to inquire about specialty clinic services through their primary care provider, who will discuss options and referrals. Scheduling is completed through your Care Team navigator.

Behavioral Health Services are provided by village-based Behavioral Health Aides, who act as counselors, health educators, and advocates. They work directly under a licensed clinician to address individual and community needs including those related to alcohol, drug and tobacco use, and mental health problems such as grief, depression, suicide and related issues. Kodiak-based behavioral health clinicians also are available through tele-health and village visits to provide individual and family counseling. Behavioral Health Aides work closely with village providers to ensure an integrated approach to care between primary medical care and behavioral health services.

Our village providers assess and refer patients to their dentist for emergent care. Patients can access village based dental services during regularly scheduled dental visits. KANA’s dental team performs routine dental care including cleanings, exams, fillings, and limited procedures.

Telehealth or receiving medical services over the phone or through clinic-based video conferencing, has greatly increased the services KANA can offer to our village patients. Village patients can access services from Kodiak and Anchorage using telehealth, including specialty appointments such as oncology, physical therapy, nutrition therapy, WIC, and more.

Patients experiencing an emergency should contact their village provider by calling the Village Health Clinic during hours of operation, or the Village Provider On-Call Number if after-hours. If a village provider is not available, patients should call the KANA Nurse Line at 907-486-9870 or their VPSO. Emergencies requiring Medevac services for patients in need of higher levels of care are coordinated by the on-call provider or 911 services.

EMERGENCY ONLY: Village Provider On-Call Numbers

KANA’s After-Hours Nurse Advice Line

If you are in need of medical advice that is not an emergency and it is either after-hours, or your Community Health Provider is not available, please refer to KANA’s Nurse Advice Line.

Available 24/7 at 907-486-9870